Monday, September 24, 2012


Electronic mail-often abbreviated as e-mail. Email-is a method of exchanging digital messages, designed primarily for human use. A message at least consists of its content, an author address & one or more recipient addresses.

Magnitude of e-mail

Sending an email is more efficient than writing & sending a manual physical letter, for its fast & inexpensive. Email is preferred over the physical letter written on the paper because of the following reasons:

1. E mail has no production, material or postage expenses.
2. It is time saving & more efficient.
3. It can be sent to more than one person at a time.
4. It is more private & reliable form of information.
5. It generates an immediate response.
6. It is targeted.
7. It is proactive.

8. It expands you reach.
9. It allows you to faster long lasting relation-ships.
10. Email will grow your organization.

Scope of e-mail

E-mail is corporate assets and critical components of communication systems. The E-mail system is provided by the company for employees to facilitate the performance of company work and their contents are the property of . Although the company does not make a practice of monitoring these systems, management reserves the right to retrieve the contents for legitimate reasons, such as to find lost messages, to comply with investigations of wrongful acts or to recover from system failure.
  • E-mail uses across all communication.
  • E-mail uses in the business.
  • E-mail uses in the workplace.
  • Technology resource usage policy & work rule.
  • Inernet chat rooms, blogs, & interactive website communication.
  • Emergency contact.
  • Information on offline social contact.
  • Seeking information on civic engagement.

Users of e-mail

Sometimes email isn’t the right communication tool. Either you’re trying to get too much information from someone - or too many people - or you’re conveying too much information.
Dave Pollard not only discusses 10 situations where email probably isn’t a suitable communication tool, but also put together this flow chart for figuring out which tool is right
  • Usage by e-mail marketer.
  • Usage by adolescents.
  • Usage by college students.
  • Usage by Matures.
  • Usage by blogger.
  • Usage by portable technologies.
  • Usage by information society.

E-mail policy

For the policy to be effective the document should be clear & simple wording & not to be longer then 3-4 pages. You can't expect employees to read a long complicated document, since you want them to remember what it says. List short bullet points, so that an employee can easily find rules in case they are unsure:
  • Commercial.
  • Productivity.
  • Legal.

Etiquette rules of E-mail

There are many etiquette guides & many different etiquette rules. They will differ according to the nature of your business & the corporate culture. Most important email etiquette that apply to nearly all companies are:

1. Be concise to the point.

2. Answer all questions, & pre-empt further questions.
3. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation.
4. Make it personal.
5. Use templates for frequency used responses.
6. Do not write in capitals.
7. Do not leave out the message thread.
8. Answer swiftly
9. Do not attach unnecessary files.
10. Use proper structure & layout.

11. Do not overuse the high priority option.
12. Read email before you send it.
13. Add disclaimers to your emails.
14. Do not overuse reply to all.
15. Do a mail merge.
16. Take care with abbrevi
ations & emoticons.
17. Be careful with formatting.
18. Take care with rich text & HTML message.

19. Do not forward chain letters.
20. Do not request delivery & read receipts.
21. Do not ask to recall a message.
22. Do not copy a messag
e or attachment without permission.
23. Do not use email to discuss confidential
24. Use a meaningful subject.

25. Use active instead of passive.
26. Avoid using urgent & important.
27. Avoid long sentences.
28. Don't send emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive racist or obscene remarks.
29. Don't forward virus hoaxes & chain letters.
30. Keep your language gender neutral.

31. Don't reply to spam.
32. Use cc: field sparingly.

Considering Factor

When choosing your e-mail service provider, there are a few basic technical factors that you should familiarize your self with so that you will be in a position to choose the best commerce deal for any services.
It's god to make sure that the e-mail service provider that you choose has a track record & is capable to & also offer some assurance that it will be around for the long haul.
  • Amount of space & Bandwidth.
  • Privacy level.
  • Speed level.
  • Down time.
  • Language.
  • Reliability & stability.
  • Free technical support.
  • Free spam filtering.

How Can I open?

To open an account first you have to go any e-mail service provider. In the above there have a lot of e-mail service provider. Click anyone where you want to open your e-mail account.


Spam is a complex and constantly evolving problem that requires continual vigilance and an arsenal of tools to keep under control. That's where our system excels with a battery of more than a dozen anti-spam filters and proprietary monitoring tools -- all part of our SpamSnare™ application family. SpamSnare puts unwanted e-mail under the microscope more than a million times every day. Here are just a few of the SpamSnare tools you can deploy to help keep your inbox clear of unwanted e-mail: SpamAssassin, Challenge/Response, Greylisting, Regional Filters (new), Clam Anti-Virus, and many more. Top 5 E-Mail Viruses/Worms.

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